$500 FAFSA Scholarship Entry Form

🎉 Hey New Mexico seniors! Our FAFSA scholarship has been open for a while now, and this April we’ll be selecting two winners to each receive $500 for college. If you’re a high school senior in New Mexico, you’re eligible — no essay required! Just register for your chance to win. If your name isn’t drawn this time, don’t worry — it will stay in the pool for future drawings, so you’ll still have more chances to win. If you’re selected, all you need to do is show proof that you completed the 2025–2026 FAFSA. Don’t miss out — register today!
Contest rules and details:
Monthly FAFSA Scholarship and Prize drawing(s):

New Mexico High School Seniors (residents of NM) can register to win a $500 FAFSA scholarship. High school seniors who register will be entered into a monthly random drawing. To be eligible to win, student(s) must have completed the FAFSA and show proof of completion. A student can only win once. The first scholarship will be drawn in January 2025, and subsequent monthly drawings will be held for the 2025-26 FAFSA cycle. The last eligible drawing for this FAFSA cycle will be in July 2025. The $500 scholarships are for fall 2025 enrollment at any Title IV eligible college, university, or trade school.

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